I write this as I sit in Texas. Kerri is out with her mom dropping off Emily, Kevin and Hope. Jeff and Scott are out running errands and Hayden is napping. I hear her waking on the monitor so I better make this quick if I'm going to be a good dad.
I haven't been riding my wakeboard too much lately, which is nice to give the mind and body a break for a while. But, I will be getting back on the water next week with Keith Lyman so we can get ready for a great 2010 on the tour.
Kerri is 7 months pregnant with our 2nd girl! I am officially outnumbered by a good spread. The hardest part of this so far is picking a name. Stay tuned for how that turns out.
Hayden is 1 1/2 and starting to talk. She is such a mimic of everything she hears from sounds to words. She runs everywhere she goes and eats it all the time. Doesn't phase her, she's pretty tough.
I have been doing a webcast show every 1st and 3rd Thurs of the month on Stokemeter.com at 9pm. Fun show where I have different guests each week and Erik Ruck is my band. Stop by and you can type in questions during the live webcast.
This is one of my fav recent pics of Hayden.
Okay, I officially have to go now, but don't worry, I'm a fast typer, that didn't take too long:)